Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hamshack Hotline setup for FreePbx

Here is the setup for Hamshack Hotline using FreePbx.  I am assuming that you already have FreePbx setup with a connected phone.

Click on Connectivity and select Trunks.

Click the Add Trunk option.  In the drop down select Add IAX2 Trunk.

In Trunk Name enter Hamshack#### where #### is your assigned telephone number.

In Outbound Caller Id enter <#####> where ##### is your assigned telephone number.  Your screen should look like the following.

Click the iax Settings tab.

In Trunk Name enter Hamshack#### where #### is your assigned telephone number.

In the Peer Details enter the following.  Replace ##### with your assigned telephone number.  Replace xxxxxxx with your assigned secret.

Your screen should look like the following.

Click the Incoming tab.

Enter your assigned telephone number in the Context field.

Enter the following in the user details.


Enter your register string as 
Replace ##### with your extension number and xxxxx with your assigned secret.  This secret is the same on the outgoing and incoming tabs.

Your screen should look like the following.

Click the Submit button.

Next you need to setup an inbound route.  Click on Connectivity then Inbound Routes.

Click add inbound route.

Enter your assigned extension number in the Description and DID fields.  In the Set Destinations box, select Extensions.  In the next drop down, select the extension that you want to receive the Hamshack Hotline calls.  Note:  You can use a ring group.

Your screen should look like the following.

Click the Submit button.

Now create an Outbound route.  Click on Connectivity then Outbound Routes.

Click Add Outbound Route.

Enter Hamshack##### in the Route Name.  Enter your assigned extension in the Route CID.  Select HamShack##### in the Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes.

Your screen should look like the following.

Click on the Dial Patterns tab.

Set the prefix to 7 (you can use any single digit).  Enter X. for the match pattern.

Note:  Since I have voip service with, I am using 7 as a prefix to dial into the Hamshack Hotline server.  There are other matching options.

Your screen should look like the following.

Click the Submit Button.  Then click Apply Config at the top.

This should have you up and running on Hamshack Hotline.  I added this because I struggled to find all of the setup information in one place.  


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

AllStarLink Node 53431 / DMR Bridge 31018

 I have completed my AllStarLink setup to bridge the 145.33 repeater over to DMR talk group 31018.

I am using RasLink for the control software.   This software controls the GM300 which is set to 145.33.  Control is through a DMK URIX.   I also use the Repeater Builder USB-RIM-Lite.  The USB-RIM-Lite does have the ability to detect a stuck PTT.

The software allows users to link over to DMR talk group 31018 using analog_bridge from DVSwitch. You will find useful information on the DVSwitch forum.  I am using a ThumbDV for the AMBE voice conversion.  You can also use the DVstick 30.

I added a 12 volt to 5 volt converter to power the Raspberry PI.

This is a neat installation and the performance is good.

I have to thank the many amateurs that contributed open source code to make this type of project possible.