Wednesday, June 23, 2021

AllstarLink Dynamic DNS (DDNS)

AllstarLink internally support Dynamic DDNS.  If you have a node that does not have a static IP address, you can use their internal DDNS system to remotely access your node.

Each node registers with AllstarLink's internal registration system.  It periodically reregisters so that the AllstarLink system knows your node's IP address.  Your node number and IP address is automatically downloaded by other nodes throughout the day.  This is how other nodes know how to connect to your node.

Because of this built-in capability, Allstar link can and does provide a DDNS service.  You can access your node using or  

This URL will allow you to easily access your node using SSH or view Allmon2, provided that you have open the ports for SSH or HTTP.  There is no need to setup your own domain name through a third-party DDNS provider.

Note:  My node was setup as a remote base, so I had to use

You will find the documentation on their DNS system at