I recently obtained a Yaesu DR-1X. This repeater supports Yaesu Fusion and Analog. I have discovered that it can be used for a Dstar Repeater.
John Hays, K7VE, has published an article on how to use this repeater for Dstar also. You will find the setup information on John's Blog. I purchased a PS-2 cable and mated it to a DB-15HD.
After connecting the cable, I could not get the Dstar modem to decode data. That was quickly fixed by powering the repeater off and on. Apparently it needed that to read the cable configuration.
The deviation must be set carefully for the ID-5100 to decode the call sign data. I am using the G4KLX software. For VHF, I had to set RX invert to True and TX invert to false. I set the transmit deviation to 30 for the DVRPTR-V1 modem.
The correct deviation for a Dstar transmitter is 1.2khz +/- around the carrier. That is 2.4khz and is half of bit rate of 4.8bps.
The above picture is from UTAH VHF Society. They did an analysis of Dstar, I recommend that you read their analysis. You will find helpful information.
I used my service monitor to set the deviation. You will find that some service monitors show the deviation as 1.6khz. To correctly set the deviation, you need to use a service monitor with a scope. As shown above, you can see the tops of the bits and adjust the deviation to exactly 1.2khz.
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